Saturday, December 26, 2015

Naik naik ke puncak gunung.....Ed One Tree HIll, Cornwall Park

Piknik piknik.....

kali ini Queen dan dilla Piknik bersama keluarga besar NZ AS ke Cornwall Park dan One Tree Hill.

Queen pergi bersama rombongan dari kantor beasiswa NZAS di Wellesley street, AUT...jam 11.30...kami ikut trip ke tiga bersama Ruth. Setelah beberapa dari kami kumpul, lalu queen naik bus OUTER LINK, just cross from NZ AS office, tepat di depan taman Mt Albert....

Perjalanan kali ini sekitar 20 menit menuju Cornwall Park, Auckland. Ruth, our leader journey in trip 3, menekan bell, tandanya bus berhenti di tujuan kami. Kami menyusuri taman Cornwall menuju ke tempat BBQ yang telah disiapkan tim Margaret NZ AS...15 menit lebih mengitari taman, akhirnya sampai juga ke tempat lokasi..

Teman teman dan tim NZ AS mempersiapkan makanan yang akan di BBQ, beberapa membawa makanan masing masing, termasuk si queen dengan bekalnya sendiri....Queen makan duluan ya, dimana tante dan oom lainnya sibuk membakar ayam sosis di BBQ place...

Kali ini Queen dilla beruntung, naik ke bukitnya, pake mobil dengan keluarga Lily....jadi ingat petualangan sebelumnya ke Mt Victoria...dech...

CornalPark and One Tree Hill Climbing

Happy Picnic and Climbing for NZ ASEAN Student

My mom story

Friday, it seemed the weather was not nice to do picnic with windy and cloudy weather in the morning. However, at 10 am, the weather came brigther....Great time then...

Some people went with NZ AS team, Ruth and team from NZ AS office, Other went picnic by themselves. Margaret came to the Park earlier. Margaret organised everything well, from the food, games and climbing one tree hill. Heap gratitude for Margaret, Sacha, and Ruth to organise such wonderfuul activities for NZ AS Family.

Some chefs, Timor Leste Teams, started to barbeque meats, chickens, onions, bread and Margaret coffee with garlic (new findings of drink)...Other started to help to organise picnic spots and also started to eat. Everyone participated by bringing some foods; meat, sausages, chicken, bread, salads, drink, and etc.

After such wonderful lunch, Margaret organised some games, run run run...catch the egg then.......The winner got the prizes too. While other kids, actually, only three of them, watched the games, and saw the sheeps.

Finally, all team climbed one tree hills, and enjoyed windy weather in top of the hill....Be alert, we could fly here due to strong wind on the

Great day, great team, great friends
we are NZAS family.

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