Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Experience the Past, a little Kiwi tourist Journey

Howick Historical Village
Another history of New Zealand, we can feel the past by visiting ‘HOWICK HISTORICAL VILLAGE’.  You can come here by public transport from the Auckland city. We went there from the Britomart train station and got on the Eastern line (Manukau) and then get off in the Panmure station, then continued by getting on a bus number 550 and then get off in the Howick village. Otherwise, you can get on bus number 550 from the city to the Howick village, it takes approximately 60 minutes. But if you go with kids, it is better to get on the train for 20 minutes and then we get on a bus that only takes ten minutes to the location.

A handmade tripod  from the Village Blacksmith, a place  for boiling water in the kettle cost  for $ 120

Wow, it is surprising when you see the price of a handmade tripod costing for $ 120. How come this small is so expensive. We suggest that there is a historical value for this kettle. As an international student, we could learn How is New Zealand appreciate its history? Being in the past, the 19th century, and experiencing the past are a chance for us, particularly for our children to learn history in a live day. The Howick historical village, a living history museum of the fencible period, offers fun activities for children. A lot of people wear traditional costumes in the past and you can hire traditional costumes for some pictures that provided by the Howick staffs (one picture for $ 5 or 6 pictures for $20).

Feel the past
We should queue and buy a ticket, particularly the third weekend every month because there is a past live experience in the village.  For a student, we only need to pay $12, adults $ 16 and for children under five years old is for free. One secret, if you grab a book of A-Z Auckland in the Britomart train station or other places that provide a lot of brochures, leaflets and books related Auckland destination, there is a lot of discount vouchers inside the book, including,  one free adult ticket for a Howick village if you come with friends or family.

The village offers many fun activities for children

Full day in the Howick village, you will feel full experience about the past. The village offers many activities with special topics, for instance ‘Peter Rabbit and Friends’ on last holiday sessions, July 2016. The activities started from 10 am with Puppet show, hymn service, a Victorian school lesson, pipe band, kid acorn piñata, soldiers’ demonstration, story time, races through the hay bales, and peter rabbit. The activities were located in some historical houses or buildings in this village, for instance, Puhi Nui Homestead (no 33), Ararimu school, outside the tent, outside Fords cottage and other places. You can get on a horse-less drawn carriage for $2 each around the Howick village. The children experience a real insight into the history and at the same time they have fun.

A lesson for my country, Indonesia
Some group of Indonesian students and local kiwis perform proudly traditional dance, songs and musical instruments, like ANGKLUNG for a lot of events in Auckland. They are proud to introduce Indonesian here in Auckland. Indonesia has one national language, Indonesian, and hundreds of local languages. My country also has diverse dances, cultures, and songs from 33 provinces among 17.504 islands in Indonesia.

However, the current issues are a lot of endangered local languages in Indonesia. Furthermore, more young generations do not understand about their local culture and language. Sadly, the national television channel, TVRI, that offers many good programs for understanding the local language, and cultures, seems have fewer viewers in this era compared to the programs from many commercial television channels. Furthermore, English seems to be the best language to be learned by kids in their early stages, not a local language.

We can learn from Kiwi about the preservation of their local language and local cultures and history. How the Kiwi integrates their local language and culture in their daily life, in the university, public area and preserve some historical places with fun activities for kids. They also offer such attractive cultural performances in some museums in New Zealand.

‘A big country is a country which preserves their history, culture and natures’

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